Elders and Deacons

What do they do? Who are they?

January 06, 2022

Every year we welcome new individuals to the Elder & Deacon boards. On Ordination Sunday–usually the first or second Sunday of January–they're ordained and installed in their respective roles during a brief ceremony commissioning them to take on the ministry. 

We ask them to make vows to lead and serve the church in the way of Jesus Christ. And, we, as the Woodside Family, vow to support them in their leadership and service. It’s a very important and special day for our whole community!

What is an Elder?

The name “Presbyterian” means a congregation is led by Elders (instead of bishops or priests).  In the Presbyterian Church an Elder is a leader called by God and chosen by the congregation who helps guide the mission, vision and values of the church. The Elder Board, called the “Session,” is composed of nine men and women who serve in this role. Since we are a representative democracy, Elders make decisions on behalf of the church. They often review, assess and approve matters affecting the whole church. Similar to a board of directors, the Elders oversee the work of the staff who lead and run the ministries. 

What is a Deacon?

A Deacon offers hands-on serving and caregiving. They make meals, serve home communion, provide receptions for funerals, run the bloodmobile, send care packages, and give people rides to the doctor. They also make phone calls during the COVID pandemic to check on everybody.

How to become an Elder or Deacon

A nominating team recommends individuals to be Elders and Deacons. Some have been Elders and Deacons before but most are new to the boards. 

  • The Nominating Team asks members if they feel called by God to accept the honor and responsibility 
  • They affirm their willingness to serve 
  • The individuals are elected at a congregational meeting held in the Fall 
  • Elected Elders & Deacons receive training
  • An Ordination & Installation ceremony is held in January

See who's on the current Session and Board of Deacons.

Tags: deacons, elders, installation, ordination

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