Overcoming Prejudice Together

Since it is God’s will to unite people of all nations, tribes, peoples, languages and races in Jesus Christ, we must confront and dismantle racism

March 18, 2021

Given the history of race relations around the world, many of us might agree that racism is wrong.  We may also agree that discussing it is way out of our comfort zone.  Around us however, it continues to cause division, fear, doubt, and anger.
As Christians who believe that we are one race under God, how do we respond to the division around us and become the voice of reconciliation?   Please join us for a new study group on Overcoming Prejudice Together:  through faith, education and alliance.
Every Other Wednesday at 7pm on Zoom: Leaders are Cyndy Montes and Maria Armington 

Every Other Thursday at 7pm on Zoom: Leaders are Jacquie Cole and Kathy Johnson 

email jacquie to sign up

Check out Woodside's Building Community Partnerships Initiative

It is Woodside’s desire to be a Church which looks like Heaven.

"After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: 'Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.'” Revelation 7:9-10

Since it is God’s will to unite people of all nations, tribes, peoples, languages and races in Jesus Christ, we must confront and dismantle racism. Here are resources which will help you learn about systemic racism and begin to take actions to demolish the barriers which divide our nation and the Church.

Join Faith & Prejudice to listen and learn from Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship President Dr. Tony Evans, First Baptist Church of Glenarden Pastor John Jenkins and Be the Bridge Founder Tasha Morrison about the complicated, often painful history of race and the church. Watch it on the Faith and Prejudice Facebook page.

There are also resources on the Faith and Prejudice website here.

Resources available FREE on RightNow Media

  • Oneness Embraced with Tony Evans
  • The Color of Compromise – Jemar Tisby
  • Race, Justice and the Church – Eric Mason
  • Integrated Yet Still Segregated – Leonce Crump II
  • Race & Reconciliation – Thabiti Anyabwile
  • How to Talk About Race & Privilege – Jada Edwards

Watch: Just Mercy – Available on Amazon

Read: Be the Bridge – Latasha Morrison


  • Pray to Overcome Racism and for God to soften and change hearts
  • Start a Book Club or Bible Study using one of the above Resources
  • Support minority-owned businesses
  • Befriend with someone who is different than you, listen to their story
  • Watch the Documentary 13TH - Available on Netflix and Amazon
  • Speak out against racism in all its forms
  • Review the history books being used to teach history in our schools
  • Communicate with elected officials your opposition to racism

Tags: faith, justice, prejudice

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