Police Chief Harran Bio

March 01, 2021



Director Harran, originally from New York, moved to Pennsylvania in 1982, where he received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Political Science.  He earned his Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice Administration from St. Joseph’s University. He is also a graduate of the Northwestern University School of Police Staff and Command.

Director Harran has served in law enforcement with the Bensalem Township Police Department in Bucks County, Pennsylvania for 33 years.  Currently he serves as the Director of Public Safety for Bensalem Township.  As Director, he is responsible for the management and operation of the police department and for the coordination of the township’s Fire and Rescue departments.

He currently serves on  many law enforcement and community boards and organizations, including; Bucks County Chiefs of Police Association Executive Board,  Chairman of the Bucks County Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition, Chairman of the County Emergency Response Team Board, Executive Board of the Delaware Valley Crime Commission, IACP Forensic Science Committee, the Bucks County Domestic Violence Coalition and serves as a member of the Board of Directors for the Bucks County Drug and Alcohol Commission.. He served on the Bureau of Justice Assistance Sexual Assault Committee. He has recently been appointed by the FBI to the Organization of Scientific Area Committees (OSAC) Biology DNA Interpretation and Reporting Committee Rapid DNA Task Group. He has been elected to the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Executive Board representing Southeastern Pennsylvania and to State Associations of Chiefs of Police (SACOP) representing Pennsylvania and serves as Chairman of the North Atlantic Region of the United States . He serves as  Vice President of the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police.  

Director Harran is a published author of multiple articles including Property Crime and DNA Databases which have been featured in National Police Magazines.  He was instrumental in implementing the first countywide local DNA database in the United States.  He has also written and received grants in excess of 17 million dollars.  

Director Harran lectures nationally on a variety of issues including DNA, current drug trends and initiatives, school based and community prevention programs, grant writing and funding sources.  He has received over 30 awards and citations for his work in both law enforcement and in the community.   He has received the Bucks County Law Enforcement Educator Award and the Bensalem Township Officer of the Year Award. In 2015, he was honored with the IACP August Vollmer Excellence in Forensic Science Award.

Director Harran is also a member of many community organizations and resides in Bensalem with his daughter who recently Graduated College.

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