Building Community Partnerships Initiative

March 18, 2021

With such division in our nation, how do we unite to work for protection and respect for all? On Wednesday, March 17, 2021,  Woodside hosted an important zoom panel discussion called Building Community Partnerships. Our guests were Woodside member and former FBI agent John HughesPolice Chief William Wiegman from Lower Southampton, Police Chief Frederick Harran from Bensalem and NAACP President Karen Downer. In addition to discussing their work to bridge divides in our community, Karen and Fred share about the historic relationship recently established between their organizations. Together we discover how to be the answer to Jesus’ prayer that we be one and work together (John 17:21).

Email follow up questions to

Contact Fred Harran, Bensalem Twp. Police Dept., 215-633-3710,

Contact NAACP Bucks County,, P.O. Box 224, Bensalem, PA 109020

View the partnership Agreement here

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